Dr. Eli Hurowitz is a Los Angeles, CA based Occupational Medicine Physician with more than 25 years of experience in healthcare.
Dr. Eli J. Hurowitz’s career in Occupational Medicine has always been guided by his lifelong passion for health and wellness. From his perspective, the two are inherently connected, rather than simply related. Going ‘heart-in-heart’ rather than ‘hand-in-hand,’ good health relies almost entirely on an individual’s treatment of his/her wellness — and vice versa. This is especially true when it comes to Occupational Medicine; a worker’s mental state and clarity, which can be impacted both positively and negatively by their work environment, can result in injuries and illnesses acquired on the job.
Education & Qualifications
In 1998, Eli Hurowitz completed his MD at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. This pursuit marked a major turning point in his career and the start of his professional passion in wellness.
Dr. Eli Hurowitz maintains the following certifications in the field of medicine:
- California State Medical License (issued 2021)
- USMLE (Step 1: 1996); (Step 2: 1997); (Step 3: 1999)