This page was most recently updated on March 10, 2022
For over ten years, has been a trusted source where professionals can market their personal brand by harnessing the power of social and online media to control how they are represented online.
You will be able to create and post online biographies and connect to all your achievements and related experiences which will then be promoted up in your search results and act as an online resume for employers and hiring managers to find.
Our Individual Profiles page is designed to:
- Expand your professional network
- Create new opportunities by connecting with businesses online
- Post your resume online, making it easy for prospective employers to find you
- Share your job history and qualifications in one place
- Create and display your personal brand online
- Connect all your social sites to your profile page
Your Social Career Builder profile will help boost your achievements and control what you do (and don’t) want appearing in your Google search results. Build your individual profile to drive search traffic to your page and watch your professional career trajectory skyrocket to new limits.