Jean Graugnard is a Historian and Researcher of ancestry, family history and the archeological data of the Graugnard family history. As a Consultant, Graugnard helps other families learn more about their ancestors.
Ancestry Historian and Researcher
Jean Graugnard is an Ancestry Historian and Researcher. He currently maintains the most well researched and verified family tree of the Graugnard family history. Graugnard initially entered this line of research to better understand himself and the history of his ancestors. Through his history research efforts, Graugnard has done so much more than just connect with his ancestors and their past. He has also helped countless families find that same connection through research. As a consultant, he offers advice in developing and verifying family trees.
Graugnard Family History
Jean Graugnard began researching the history of his ancestors to build the Graugnard Family Tree. What started out as a simple project eventually became the research that has engrossed his life ever since. Sifting through archaeological data and historical collections that he inherited, Jean discovered so many stories of his family. For starters, he learned that the surname of French origin means “an old soldier.” Uncovering the family crest of Graugnard helped Jean establish an even deeper connection to his ancestors in his history research.
Family Tree Expert
Jean Graugnard is an Expert in constructing, verifying and researching Family Trees. Actively engaged in family history of the Graugnard Family, he has uncovered countless discoveries about his ancestors through this process. As of 2025, the Researcher and Historian maintains the most accurate and up-to-date edition of the Graugnard Family History & Family Tree. To help other families uncover the history of their ancestors, Graugnard offers consultations as a Family Tree Expert. In this work, Graugnard researches the history presented by a client, to verify the current family tree. He also helps people establish the foundation of a family tree, so that they may explore more about their ancestors and their origins.