Mark Hein is a Realtor at eXp Realty in Spokane, WA. Hein is represented by the National Association of Realtors and ranks as a Top Rated Real Estate Professional.
Real Estate Agent at eXp Realty 
Mark Hein is a Real Estate Agent who works at eXp Realty, the #1 brokerage company in the United States. As a Top Rated Real Estate Professional, Hein is on the frontlines of the real estate industry. Backed by years of experience in the field, Hein is well-equipped as a Realtor. Hein works directly with his clients to find their new home in Spokane, WA. Whether you are looking for that dream home to start your family, a property to launch your business or simply looking to acquire more land for your portfolio: eXp Realty Real Estate Agent Mark Hein is here to help! Selling Spokane has been quite the joy for Hein, who is familiar with all neighborhoods and boroughs of the Pacific Northwest area.
eXp Realty is the fastest growing brokerage company in the world. Utilizing cloud-based technologies, the platform streamlines brokerage processes for real estate agents, realtors and professionals in the real estate industry. Mark Hein is proud to be a part of the eXp Realty team in Spokane, WA. He is recognized by the National Association of Realtors and ranks as a Top Rated Real Estate Professional.
Author of Mission My Town
Mark Hein made his debut as a published author with his book, Mission My Town: Finding Your Purpose in the Here and Now. This book takes the reader on a unique adventure. An experience personal to the individual reading Hein’s Mission My Town, the book helps you to discover your purpose by diving deep. Order your copy today on the Author’s official website for the debut book, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Thriftbooks or wherever you buy your books!