Nikki Brar is an aspiring fashion designer based in New York City. Her independent fashion blog covers all things trending in the Big Apple, from the latest in nail art to profiles on unique lookbooks.
An artistic individual by nature, Nikki Brar has always expressed herself by creative means. Inspired by red carpet fashion and the latest trends in magazines like InStyle, Vogue and Vanity Fair, Nikki began to create her own fashion forward style. Located in a fashion capital of its own right, Nikki is active in the local fashion show scene. While she loves attending fashion events from Paris Fashion Week to NYC Fashion Week at home, this aspiring designer gravitates towards circles where smaller designers thrive. In an upcoming blog series, Nikki intends to share updates on upcoming fashion shows in the independent small artist scenes of NYC.
Freelance Fashion Blogger
In the fashion world, what’s hot and what’s not changes nearly by the day. Keeping pace with the latest styles, Nikki Brar keeps her readers up to trend with her fashion blog. But for Nikki, fashion has always been about so much more than trends alone. Fully immersed in the culture at the core of the style scene, this fashion blogger enjoys tapping into what’s beneath the surface of each show. For Nikki and her blog’s readers, that means exploring theme origins, modern inspirations and the current events that splash onto the runway in their own way.