Social resources connects candidates to new age tools need for a successful job search in today online world. Candidates can now connect with some of the top firms that can help them promote themselves online with resume writing and interview coaching to restoring and protecting their online reputation during and after the job search is completed. All companies listed have been certified with Social Career Builder and have demonstrated successful track records with our candidates.
Everyone who applies for a job will provide his or her resume to employers. However, job seekers should realize that companies are not looking to hire a resume; they are looking to hire people. Given the high unemployment rate in the United States, there are thousands of workers with similar skill sets who are searching for a job. A great resume is no longer enough to set one job seeker apart from his or her competition.
Your resume is a great tool that summarizes your experiences and accomplishments and entices the hiring company to try to learn more about you. Once the hiring manager believes that you are qualified to fill the company’s open position, he or she will then want to know more about you. The hiring manager wants to determine your attitude, work ethic, career aspirations, and interests to determine if you will be a good fit for the company’s culture. Unfortunately job seekers do not always have the chance to articulate these thoughts when sitting down with the employer for an interview. Job seekers therefore improve their odds of being hired by building an online presence.
Social Career Builder helps employees stand out in their job search by arming them with more than just a resume. We enable you to stand out from the crowd of job seekers by helping you market yourself, so that employers see you as a valuable addition to the company culture. We help you express yourself by building a blog that is search engine optimized to help you become an influencer within your industry. Social Career Builder will also help you get the most out of your social media profiles, by making sure that employers can find your profiles and like what they see.
Remember that when a company is trying to fill a position, it wants to hire you, not your resume. Make sure that you are desirable to employers by using Social Career Builder to build your brand.