Ava DiPretoro is a Financial Consultant and Business Development Professional. DiPretoro specializes in providing budgeting, retirement planning and real estate investing consultations.
Financial Consultant
Ava DiPretoro is a Financial Consultant for everyday people. Too often, individuals and families find themselves struggling to tackle their finances. That’s where Ava DiPretoro Consulting comes in! DiPretoro is passionate about working directly with everyday people who find themselves crippled by financial hardships. Often, the challenging task can be overcome — all with the help and guidance of proper budgeting and financial planning. As a Financial Consultant, DiPretoro works one-on-one with her clients to review their individual finances. An extra set of eyes (especially those belonging to a finance professional!) can make a world of difference. DiPretoro specializes in financial planning and budgeting for the present, as well as retirement planning for the future. She often tells people that you do not need to be a millionaire business owner or a homeowner faced with foreclosure to require financial planning. While both ends of the financial spectrum can certainly benefit from a consultation, everyone in between can benefit as well.
Real Estate Investing
In addition to financial planning, budgeting and retirement planning, Ava DiPretoro also offers consultations in Real Estate Investing and Estate Planning. Whether you’re looking to invest in your first additional property or looking to add more properties to your portfolio: DiPretoro can help! The Real Estate Investing Consultant specializes in securing loans and funding for investment properties for individuals of all income levels. Additionally, DiPretoro also offers Estate Planning services. It’s never too early to consider what will happen to your assets after death. In fact, DiPretoro strongly encourages all homeowners to establish a solid estate plan as soon as they purchase their first property: regardless of age or health. You simply never know what could happen… which is why there is great value in tackling Estate Planning early on.